These shiruts are much like other forms of public transportation...included in the price is the free entertainment you get from the whack jobs who occasionally sit next to. A few weeks ago, the driver of one shirut I was on pulled over and kicked two people out on the highway cause they wouldn't stop yelling at each other.
You can also have great experiences...shiruts are good for work connections, making new friends, good banter...
Apparently, they're also good for meeting the cast of The Office.
Undoubtedly, this was one of the more bizarre moments of my time in Israel. Yesterday I got in a shirut to go to Tel Aviv and when I got in, I found myself sitting next to Craig Robinson, aka "Darryl" the warehouse manager from The Office.
What in the holy hell is Darryl from The Office doing in Israel? GREAT question. He's here doing a stand up comedy tour with some friends for an American charity. I know this because he wouldn't stop talking about it. He also told me he's single and looking for some action in Tel Aviv. Then he fell asleep. Nice guy actually.
Anyways, this just goes to show you that:
a) anything can happen in Israel
b) anything does happen in Israel
c) if Israel is safe enough for a cast member of The Office, it's safe enough for anyone
P.S. If anyone knows a hot, single, girl living in the greater Tel Aviv area...I know guy who wants to meet her. And we'll find someone for "Darryl" too.
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