You know, I don't get it. Since when are you not allowed to ask a Chinese man where a Chinese restaurant is? I mean, aren't we getting a little too sensitive here? If someone asks me, "which direction is Israel," I don't go flying off the handle.

-Jerry Seinfeld

Monday, June 11, 2007

"Graduation" Day

Seeing that we're right smack dab in the middle of high school/college graduation season back in the States, I started reminiscing about my graduation from Syracuse waaaaay back in 2000. That, in turn, led me to one of the great head-scratchers about life here in Israel: the complete lack of any kind of ceremony or event marking the graduation of Rothberg's M.A. students. Graduation ceremonies just aren't a big thing here in Israel. No caps, no gowns, no keynote speakers, no hangover-induced puking on your shoes, and no endless photo sessions with family.

No at Rothberg, we get Ben & Jerry's.

Today was the first-ever "Rothberg Graduation Day" for students who have wrapped up their 2-year stint in Jerusalem and are moving on in the world. Here, in no particular order, are the highlights of "Graduation Day" 2007:

1) A Ben & Jerry's ice cream trolley.

2) My friend Jenn agreed to be the keynote speaker after an email went around to students asking if anyone wanted to take on the task.

3) Live entertainment by our friends, and local band, Holler.

If I sound a little cynical, that's 'cause you're reading this correctly. No knock at all on Jenn, Holler, Ben, or Jerry...they were all terrific...but you'd expect a little more from a school that is trying to mold itself (at least partly) on the American university model. I know Israel is different and I am truly appreciative of the free ice cream. But we're talking about one of the premiere academic institutions in the world...and this was all it could come up with?!

My friend Shira was the MC and organizer of the event.
To her credit, she did a great job putting this all together. Except...

...for the banner, which apparently is only congratulating
one of the graduating M.A. students. Everyone for you.

When was the last time an ice cream cart showed
up at YOUR graduation ceremony? Huh?

These clowns will be graduating next year. We're pushing to stretch
next year's budget to include cookies so we can make
ice cream sandwiches with our Ben & Jerry's.

So yea. That was it. No flipping of tassels, no passing out of diplomas, and the Provost didn't even show up to wish the students good luck. Next year, we'll get this done right.

Ok ok, I'll stop whining. After all, we can't all be as lucky as these guys....



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