You don't need me to tell you what has happened over here in Gaza. But if you really need a refresher, here's the bottom-line: after a few days of civil war and killing anyone it could get its hands on, Hamas is now in total control of the Gaza Strip and its dreams of an Islamic paradise can finally come true.
Paradise huh? It doesn't look like these poor Palestinians want any part of Hamastan:
These are Palestinians running TO Israel FROM Gaza. That's right they're running towards the Erez Crossing in the northern Gaza Strip, hoping to cross into Israel.
Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute. They're running towards Israel "the Apartheid State?" The same Israel that is the subject of Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, the book by that complete brain-moron of an ex-president Jimmy Carter?
The same Israel that violates all kinds of human rights?
The same Israel that is a brutal occupier?
The same Israel that is a fascist, racist state?
The same Israel that is the root of all the world's problems?
The same Israel from which I'm writing all these cynical questions?
And despite ALL of that, those Palestinians still want to come to Israel? Wow, must really be bad scene in Paradise/Hamastan right now.
I honestly and sincerely hope the killing stops and that innoncent Palestinians are spared any more blood. No one deserves a life like this, in a country run by Islamist maniacs. But I can't help but think: you get what you vote for.
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