Not much to say about Erik B-Day 2K7, other than there were disturbingly striking similarities between what I usually do on my birthday and what happened last night here in Jerusalem (the equation is always simple: cool bar + cool people + copious amounts of alcohol = fun). It was definitely a little weird to celebrate a birthday with a bunch of people I didn't know 8 months ago. But to be honest, these former "strangers" are now my best friends in the world and, since it's a really tight-knit group here on campus, we all celebrate together as if we've known each other forever. It was just a lot of fun, a ton of people showed up, and the good times were had by all.
Oh, so you want some pics? Fine...
Pre-bar at my apartment with, by far, the most ghetto cake in the history of baking.
Naty actually took this thing from his Hebrew teacher
I suppose ghetto-cake is better than no-cake.
Yoann might be the best mojito/pre-bar engineer
in the history of drinking...
...the fruits of his labor.
Shirley has man hands. But otherwise, she's quite a lady.
Later on at Open...Naty putting on a "gun show." It's really hilarious to hear a french
guy say: "Excuse meee, but do you have your teeekets to thee show?"
Hooray friends! Monica, Oren, Naty, and the world's newest 29 year-old.
Hooray more friends! Maryland Dan, Jessica, Naty, and Jason aka "Cookie."
Me and Yoann. Needless and useless fact: I shaved his head.

Avi and Chad.
Go Orange! Me and fellow 'Cuse chick Shira.

Ilan's girlfriend Sara either laughing or combusting.
Me and Ryan George, my only friend in Israel with two first names.

The always mysterious Ariel. Yes, that is mascara. No, I don't know why.
Milk was a bad idea.

Yoann and Hofit kickin' it.
Alabama Josh is #1.

The glass was definitely half full.

Umm ya, it got to the point where I was blessing people.
So that's the story from my first birthday in Israel. Next year, when I hit 30, who knows what exactly will happen...
Lyla tov,
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