This year a bunch of us M.A. students decided to class it up. We got together at my friend Jay's house and had ourselves a potluck Thanksgiving. All the trimmings were there, including my home-made thyme and sausage stuffing (not gonna lie--it was amazing and I have the pictures to prove it).
Thanks to those of you who inquired about my well-being on this most family of holidays. Everything was delicious and made with love. My friend Jason even brought over his laptop so we could watch some NFL football!
And here are some pics:

Who cooks with a tweed jacket on? And who points to the
camera while cooking while wearing a tweed jacket?

Tastes like chicken.

It looked a lot better... part of the complete package.

Robbie gleefully getting our bird ready for carving.

Football on Thanksgiving!!! On the internet :( Better than nothing.

Our table...complete with pandemonium,
laughter, and indigestion.

Me, Lee, and Jason. Jason decided it would be
"cool" to wear a pinstripe suit with an orange
sweater underneath. I wasn't going to tell him
he looked funny. Mostly cause I was borrowing
his tweed jacket.

Kobi, Steph, Hilla, corn.

Jay carving the hell outta that turkey.

My own personal Thanksgiving tradition: the turkey leg.
Makes me feel like Henry VIII. Not sure why that's a goal
of mine...but it just is.

Kobi, Steph, Diet Coke.

1 comment:
Holy finger prints, batman! Didn't anyone ever tell your friend Jason that you're not meant to rub your greasy fingers all over the computer screen?
Otherwise... it looks like a nice time. :)
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