Ok Ok Ok. I'm trying to contain myself and I apologize that I'm a bit late on this one...
Most of you know that I have developed a small obsession with Chuck Norris. The reasons are threefold:
1) Chuck Norris jokes are simply magic (aka: "Chuck Norris has counted to infinity...twice.")
2) My old neighbor Hank looks EXACTLY like Chuck Norris. And Hank, much like Chuck, was a WEIRD dude.
3) Walker, Texas Ranger was a mainstay on USA Network when I worked there. The re-runs would come on right after our golf coverage and...well...sometimes after a long day of producing sports television, Chuck Norris was the only guy who made you feel good about the world.
But this is unlike anything even I could have dreamt up. Chuck Norris sat in for Sean Hannity on Fox News' Hannity and Colmes show to talk about Jimmy Carter's book a few months ago.* Here's Chuck Norris interviewing Steve Berman about the book:
Haha, Chuck...how do you pronounce "apartheid?" Think what you will about Fox News, but I am eternally in debt to whichever genius producer hatched this little plan. For the love of god, Chuck Norris can barely spell his own name and yet...he's guest-hosting a national news show on Fox and asking "all the tough questions." In the words of Kenny Bania: That's gold, Jerry! Gold!
On a serious note: Here's exactly why I'm not a Fox News hater: This is a clear indication that Fox doesn't even pretend it's legit anymore. So, to all the self-righteous, holier-than-thou morons out there who blast Fox for having an "agenda" despite referring to itself as a legitimate news outlet...get a CLUE! You losers are the only ones who think Fox News thinks of itself as legitimate. Because after the Great Chuck Norris Incident, Fox clearly isn't even pretending anymore. So get off your high horses and face up to reality: yes, even the news media has become slanted and is taking sides. The difference is Fox News is one of the few outlets that has the balls to be semi-honest about it. You might not like what Fox says, but at least you're getting it straight. Trust me, having worked in network newsrooms, this is better than actually having biases and being arrogant enough to think it doesn't filter into your work. "Fair and Balanced???" Give me a break people. That's called marketing and you all fell for it!
Ok I'm gonna go download some Walker, Texas Ranger re-runs.
*Thanks to Amy "Gladys" Rothberger for the head's up on this one...
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