Here's the lead from a story you may have missed over the weekend, courtesy of the Jerusalem Post:

Britain's National Union of Journalists denounced Israel on Friday for its "military adventures" in Gaza and Lebanon, called on the government to impose sanctions and urged a boycott of Israeli goods.
Why is this completely ludicrous and backwards? BECAUSE THEY'RE JOURNALISTS! Hello? Supposed to be unbiased? Not take sides? As someone who used to work in the news business, this is a very sad day. Then again...maybe the NUJ is just making official what has already been unofficial for a long time. Think about it for a second...These are the people bringing you your news!
The irony is that, while those brain morons want to boycott Israel, some Palestinian terrorists have kidnapped and, it appears, killed Alan Johnston, one of their colleagues at the BBC.

Where is the f'n LOGIC? Do these people at NUJ hate Israel so much, they're willing to turn a blind eye to actual terrorism hitting their own people? Those idiots really bought into the Palestinian BS propaganda hook, line, and sinker, didn't they? It's a sick, deranged world. I hate to admit it, but some days it feels like the bad guys are winning...
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