"I'm gonna host a conference questioning what really happened in the Americas from the 17th century until 1865. Because I don't think Black slavery actually happened. And if it did, it was only a handful of Blacks."
Try saying that to any of your Black friends and see how they react. If they deck you...good. You deserved it.
So who did you deck (figuratively of course...I don't condone violence unless it's in the WWE) this week when Iran's Mahmoud "Call me Adolf" Ahmadinejad hosted a conference calling into the question the existence of the Holocaust?
Mahmoud and his merry band of psychopaths (they call themselves "revisionists") got together for a little old-fashioned anti-semitism. That's what this is: anti-semitism dressed up as "academic research." The rational is simple: If you question the existence of the Holocaust and call it "research," it makes it a lot easier and "legitimate" to question the existence of Israel.
Don't be fooled...this is no joke. Mahmoud is even telling the world what he wants to do: wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. He's actually telling us all what he wants to do! Right to our faces.
My family members who were murdered in the Holocaust, like those of many many others, would not want me or any other human being sitting on our asses. The folks at the Iraq Study Group want Bush to talk to Iran and Syria. Maybe before we start talking to these monsters, we should be listening to what they're saying instead...
Anyways, that's enough for today. I don't even want to get started on that buffoon of an ex-president Jimmy Carter...
I'm off to Eilat for a long weekend. Happy Hannukah! And Pre-Merry Xmas and Kwanza. Oh and of course...Festivus.
1 comment:
Will there be feats of strength?! What about airing of grievences? I've got some grievences to air!
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