"Is Erik at an institution of higher learning? Or summer camp?"
First of all, as I've told many of you, I never went to summer camp so I have no frame of reference. I also never had a dog or went to Disney World. But I'm not bitter.
Second, it's not my fault they turned the Lerner Sports Complex into an amusement park one day last week. After a very strenuous day of ulpan, I went with my friends Drew and Jeff to the gym. To our surprise, we found that the pool and garden area had been turned into WaterWorld. Helllllllo Slip and Slide!
Anyways, the three of us put on quite a show for the little Israeli kids who apparently had never seen three grown men prancing around rubber water slides like giddy seven year olds.
No injuries were reported.

Goggles, check. Swimsuit, check. Dignity, uhh...
I'll get back to you on that one.

Me studying.
IN for DEE-ner
IN for DEE-ner
Hey Cuz! It's Stephanie. Dad passed on your link. Now the Levis clan can stalk, I mean, follow your journey. What's your MySpace link btw? Email me so I can add you! Sunparrot99@hotmail.com is my addy.
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