You know, I don't get it. Since when are you not allowed to ask a Chinese man where a Chinese restaurant is? I mean, aren't we getting a little too sensitive here? If someone asks me, "which direction is Israel," I don't go flying off the handle.

-Jerry Seinfeld

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Israel Outdoors 2K6

Got back from Israel about a week and a half ago after staffing a birthright israel trip with Israel Outdoors. Trip was sick. Participants were awesome. Israeli guide rocked. Basically, a perfect trip. We mastered the art of counting from 1-40. Trust me, it was a sight to be seen.

My brother and I stayed an extra two days after the trip and hung out in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. We left just as the proverbial shit was starting to hit the fan. A very weird feeling took me over as I watched the news on the rocket attacks in the North from a shwarma stand on the beach in Tel Aviv: I didn't want to leave Israel. I wanted to stay...even though I knew I was coming back for school in three weeks.

I'll have more ramblings about why I feel the way I feel. But for now, here are some pictures of the trip.

The gang in Jerusalem

Ladies and gentlemen, I've just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story. I need all of you, to stop what you're doing and listen. Cannonball!!... in Ein Gedi

Wearing Bonaroo's shades on Masada

On top of Masada at 5 a.m., sweating, disgusting, exhausted, and smelly.

Ariel throwing up on our first hike in the Galilee

Wine is goooood

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What?! Where's the love for the Chuck Wagon, man?!