Some photo highlights of my going-away party at Le Souk in NYC. Thanks to all the people who showed up to see me off. We ROCKED that place...

Patrice and me
Leora and Me
Troubs...being troublesome

Zaky and Mouf...are you kididng me?

Jackie, Tomback, and the other hoochie mamas

All my UJA-Federation peeps!

Seth, me, and the exact same shirt

Craig being a "tough guy" and Arielle just being sweet


I don't even like these assholes
Denise drumming her ass off

Marissa...get back to work on those FFT emails!

How did Barry get into a picture with Allison and Nicole?

Jen...all the way in from Jersey/Hofstra

The next "bachelor party" at Churrascaria Plataforma

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