You know, I don't get it. Since when are you not allowed to ask a Chinese man where a Chinese restaurant is? I mean, aren't we getting a little too sensitive here? If someone asks me, "which direction is Israel," I don't go flying off the handle.

-Jerry Seinfeld

Thursday, September 06, 2007

R.I.P. Luciano Pavarotti

We lost one hell of a singer today.

I was introduced to Pavarotti through the music of (big surprise) U2. Together they penned a beautiful song called "Ms. Sarajevo." Check it out:

Who knows when another voice like his will come around again. Ciao Pavarotti...


Anonymous said...

I'd like to do my MA at Rothberg school and I wondered how difficult is to be accepted? As far as I know Hebrew University is very strict with its requirements for enrollment. Any advice you can share could be very usefull! Thanks! p.s. nice blog ;)

Pork Floss said...

So when is Bono gonna die?