Definite lowlight of the trip so far: the cardboard they tried to pass as "chicken" on my Israir flight. Yikes. Have you ever tasted bbq'd foot before? I think I now have. And it sucks.
Definite highlight of the trip so far: Having one of those people with the signs waiting for me ouside of baggage claim. Oh yes, Levis has arrived.

Anyways, I'm off to figure out where I'm living. I'll hopefully have more coherent remarks after a few hours sleep. Ciao.
Hey Erik. Enjoy Israel! I'll be checking up on you when I can.
I'm so bummed I missed your phone call! I even left you a voicemail that you'll probably be able to check in 2008 when you come back haha. Hope you had a safe trip and everything is going well so far. I'm excited to keep up with you and your shananigans on your blog haha!
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